Keep Me In Your Heart
Many mysteries surround our guru. Neem Karoli Baba, called Maharaj-ji, who left His body in India on September 11, 1973. During most of this incarnation He shunned the public eye, even while providing guidance to thousands of devotees. Photographs are few from the early decades of His life. Only after the incorrigible westerners came for darshan beginning about 1970 did He allow many photographs.
Ram Dass, who introduced so many of us to Maharaj-ji, said the guru is not really a personality so as a state of being who can reflect our inmost soul. Seeing Maharaj-ji, said the guru is not really a personality so much as a state of being who can reflect our inmost soul. Seeing Maharaj-ji in His body was no doubt a joy and a blessing. the cosmic oneness of His being, the guru , literally the remover of darkness that resonates with our deepest Self, is beyond form.
Photographs are like shadows of that inner light. As we dance through this lia of life, may Maharaj-ji's gaze awaken us to His unconditional love, the underlying reality of this shadow world. May these images of guru darshan give us a glimpse of His loving presence.